Technische Details:
- (Alpha) feinster Rein Kupfer
- Rhodium beschichtet
- nichtmagnetische Kontakte
- Ground Jumper System
- Aderdurchmesser Max. 5,5 mm2 oder max. AWG 10
- Piezo Ceramic series connector bodies incorporate ceramic nano-sized particles, carbon powder, nylon and fiberglass main body and Polycarbonate inner cover plate
- Ausgelegt für Kabeldurchmesser von 6,0 mm bis zu 20,0 mm
- Floating Field Damper System* prevents induced magnetic fields (US Patent No.: 6,669,491 )
- Maße: L 44mm x 40,5mm Durchm. x 78,5mm Länge kompl.
- Beautiful polish finished Nonmagnetic SUS housing
- Polycarbonate cable damping clamp with stainless screws
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